Rom Tar Progress

Update 17

Posted on 2013-11-17 by Brad Murgen

Behind on my blogging as usual... super busy with work and real life. But I still make time to work on my various projects, one of which is the first draft of Rom Tar, the third book in the trilogy.

It's coming along - I'm at about 30K words right now - but I'm finding this one fairly hard to write, because of the first half of the book. Without spoiling anything, I have to essentially come up with another "civilization" and a whole new set of characters, and this book has more hard science in it than the other two, so I have to spend time researching and making sure I get the details right (as much as I can without letting it ruining the story).

So it's been a challenge but I'm working through it. The first draft is all about getting it down on paper - it doesn't have to be the best writing, as long as I get the ideas and major plot points down.

I'm typing portions of it up as I go along, which has actually helped quite a bit as I can fill in details that I didn't think of the first time, but which pertain to the section I'm currently writing.

I've also been very aware of "show don't tell" for this one... as I write a first draft I tend to do a lot of "telling" to get the details down, then convert to "showing" as I type it up. This book has a lot of telling up front - which I'll need to convert and deliver to the reader in a different way. No one likes to read a lot of info dumps. I try to avoid them, but occasionally I'll go with one if I feel it's the best way to tell the story.

Anyway, I don't believe The Distant has sold much, but that's because I haven't been advertising it much. Hopefully that will ramp up once I get the rest of the trilogy out. Wilders will be out next year for sure.

In the next update I'll post the cover for Wilders. I also need to continue my David Eddings retrospective... thanks for reminding me.

The Hope of Memory Updates


2013-12-15 Wilders Cover


2013-10-11 The Distant Released!

2013-08-31 The Distant Finalized

2013-07-14 Outlines and Previews

2013-06-17 Spring Cleaning

2013-04-29 Of Estimates and Editing

2013-03-30 Typing vs. Longhand

2013-02-07 Wilders Complete

2012-12-07 A Recent Break

2012-10-21 Chapter Names

2012-09-03 Book Two Midpoint

2012-07-31 Keep on Truckin'

2012-06-26 Book Two & Fourth Draft

2012-05-23 Third Draft Complete

2012-04-22 Expanding to a Trilogy

2012-03-10 Remembering & AutoHotkey

2012-02-08 Third Draft