The Wheel of Time

1990-2013 by Robert Jordan

Retrospective complete: 2011-05-31 — 2013-09-23

The Wheel of Time - The Retrospective

I have always been into fantasy and science fiction. They were the first types of books I read, when I really started reading in earnest in seventh grade. My older brother had a series called The Belgariad by David...

The Wheel of Time [1] The Eye of the World (1990)

I distinctly remember buying this book in 1992, the paperback version. I got it at Star Realm, a comic / gaming store in Papillion, NE. The place wasn't too far from my high school and I would go there often....

The Wheel of Time [2] The Great Hunt (1990)

In this second book of the series, we start off knowing who Rand is for sure. I mean, we knew it in the first book – this archetypical fantasy story is generally predictable, some unknown person is actually a wizard...

The Wheel of Time [3] The Dragon Reborn (1991)

Now the series starts to get really good. With this third book, The Dragon Reborn, the last of the "setup trilogy" as I like to call the first three books in the series, all the somewhat disparate elements that were...

The Wheel of Time [4] The Shadow Rising (1992)

This is hands down the best book of the series, in my opinion. Most of the setup from the first three books (the setup trilogy) is complete, events pick up and the scale of Rand's task, as well as the...

The Wheel of Time [5] The Fires of Heaven (1993)

While a good book in its own right, this is where Jordan really starts to get long winded. Aside from that, this book is notable for several reasons: Perrin is missing entirely, one of the most popular murder mysteries in...

The Wheel of Time [6] Lord of Chaos (1994)

This is the last book of the "Action Trilogy," as I've dubbed Books 4-6, and it ends with a bang. The final sequence in this volume, from the capture of Rand to the confrontation at Dumai's Wells, is one of...

The Wheel of Time [7] A Crown of Swords (1996)

I don't consider this volume part of any "trilogy" within the overall sequence, like I have for the previous volumes. It's more of a bridge between the first half of the series and the second half. It's the end of...

The Wheel of Time [8] The Path of Daggers (1998)

This volume begins the third trilogy in my organization of the series. We had the Setup Trilogy (1-3), the Action Trilogy (4-6) and what I'd call the Bridge to the Second Half or the Midpoint (7). This next trilogy, comprised...

The Wheel of Time [9] Winter's Heart (2000)

We continue the "Wandering Trilogy" with Winter's Heart, another short volume that required another two year wait. This is when it really became evident that the pace of the series had slowed considerably. It wasn't a one-off anymore; it was...

The Wheel of Time [10] Crossroads of Twilight (2003)

Overall, I love this series. I wouldn't be writing these retrospectives if I didn't. However, I don't like this book. It is by far my least favorite of the series and I was so upset by the book when it...

The Wheel of Time [11] Knife of Dreams (2005)

In my division of the series, Knife of Dreams doesn't fit into a nice grouping. The feel of the book is half of the previous trilogy and half of the next trilogy, as though you're straddling the border between two...

The Wheel of Time [12] The Gathering Storm (2009)

After Book 11, Knife of Dreams, it seemed certain that Robert Jordan was back on track and finally ready to deliver the ending to the series that many of us had been waiting years and years for. Anticipation was high,...

The Wheel of Time [13] Towers of Midnight (2010)

For the first time since Book 6, we get a new Wheel of Time book a year after the previous one. (I don't count the New Spring prequel that was released between Books 10 and 11 since it's not a...

The Wheel of Time [Prequel] New Spring (2004)

Now that I've made it through the main sequence, it's time to move on to the prequel, New Spring. Or as the novel version is called, New Spring: The Novel. I've never read the original novella that appeared in the...

The Wheel of Time [Reference] The Big White Book (1997)

The release of A Memory of Light, the 14th and final volume in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, is fast approaching (less than 3 weeks!), so I figured it was time I do the long-delayed post on The...

The Wheel of Time is Complete

A couple of days ago, the 14th and final volume in The Wheel of Time, titled A Memory of Light, was released. If you been following my retrospective on the series, you'll know that I'm a long-time fan, having...

The Wheel of Time [14] A Memory of Light (2013) - Part 1

And now... it all comes to an end. Earlier this year, in January, the 14th and final book of The Wheel of Time, entitled A Memory of Light, was released. After more than 20 years of waiting, I could finally...

The Wheel of Time [14] A Memory of Light (2013) - Part 2

Now we get into the meat of the book. The Last Battle. Imagine my surprise when I realized the chapter entitled "The Last Battle" was actually 190 pages long. It's a novella in itself. Bravo to Brandon Sanderson for deciding...

The Wheel of Time [Story] River of Souls (2013)

As I've mentioned in the last few Wheel of Time blogs, a sequence from the final book, A Memory of Light, was cut. This sequence concerned Demandred and some of what he was doing in Shara throughout the series. It...

The Wheel of Time - Retrospective Conclusion

So here we go, my first retrospective conclusion. Took me over 2 years to get here, but I finally made it. For these conclusions, I figured I'd do a few things. First, I'll do a couple of lists. These are...

The Wheel of Time Companion (2015)

Over 7 years ago I completed my The Wheel of Time Retrospective, celebrating the completion of the series after 20+ years. At the time, I mentioned Team Jordan was working on an official "encyclopedia" for the series, but wasn't sure...